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I'm Not Getting Phone Calls From My Website

Solution A website is a great tool for getting your name out there and educating your potential customers about your products and services. Having a website is only part of a successful marketing campaign. You will need to utilize "offline" and "online" marketing strategies.

Offline marketing is putting your domain name on your business cards, your voice mail at the office, or your letter heads on your paperwork. You should have a sign outside of your establishment that tells people how to find your site and tell your current clients about discounts or specials that are available online. This will increase the popularity of your site and ultimately help you establish a better ranking online.

Online marketing strategies include SEO, SEM, and SEV. These stand for search engine optimization, search engine marketing and search engine visibility. As more businesses come online SEO competition is heating up. Google already implements a 'Sandbox' which will see new sites get very little traffic for 8 to 12 months after going live. The sandbox is a 'holding pen' for new sites. Google introduced the sandbox as a means to monitor and control new site listings. This was introduced as a defense against the rash of Spam sites that where appearing across the net.

Synergy Direct Solution builds their sites with SEO in mind. Our sites have keywords and content that focus on organic placement as an overall advertising goal. Time is a critical component to achieving higher search engine results. If you want more immediate results we can offer either search engine visibility or search engine marketing. Ask us for a free consultation if you want to learn more about either of these products.

keywords: website, seo, phone calls, visibility, search engine optimization, organic placement,
Article details
Article ID: 34
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 29-Jan-2012 8:51pm
Views: 2668

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