Cash Advance Leads
Are you a lender or loan broker using Cash Advance Leads? Have you tried to generate your own Merchant Cash Advance Leads for your sales people? How many times have you purchased Cash Advance Leads from a vender that didn’t even care if you got results? Finally, what percentage of these leads closed?
Finding the right Business Loan Leads can be a daunting task. Therefore, you can spend a lot of time and money trying to find the right lead provider. But some of these lead companies will trick you with a minimum order. They get your money and you can’t do anything about it. But why would they require a minimum order?
In other words, bad Cash Advance Leads can set you back. Consequently, using bad lead companies can kill your business before it even gets a chance at life. On this page we will show you how to become a successful broker or sales person in the cash advance business.
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Cash Advance Leads & The Marketing
Synergy Direct Solution LLC was established in 2010 as a marketing agency. Our core products include website design, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, and social media design. Additionally, our experience with click funnels, Google Analytics, email marketing, and search engine visibility allows us to be the best cash advance lead provider in the industry! . Synergy has thousands of clients covering all 50 states, we’re partners with Google, Yahoo, and Godaddy and Synergy has an A+ rating with the BBB.
In summary, we know marketing inside and out. We’ve been doing it for a very long time and we use a combination of products that work together to produce amazing leads. However, we’ve heard about how hot the Merchant Cash Advance industry was getting and we wanted to get involved.
Cash Advance Leads Industry Overview
After discovering a high demand for quality Cash Advance Leads we decided to design products for lenders and brokers. In 2013 we began using our extensive knowledge to create cash advance campaigns. Our experience in marketing allowed us to generate leads at a very low price. Soon we were producing MCA live transfers. With more than 80% of clients repeating their orders we started to scale production. Quickly we became the a leader in the cash advance Lead market.
Our mission is simple, we want to be the most trusted lead provider for Cash Advance Leads in the industry and to continue to evolve our product to maintain this benchmark.
Cash Advance Leads & Lead Verification
Our Cash Advance Leads are double verified. Many people ask what is double verified? At Synergy we define “double verified” as a lead that was qualified over the phone. For instance, an internet lead is not double verified. An internet lead is a lead that completes a short web form requesting more information. Only when an internet lead is called back does it become a double verified lead.
Does this mean that all leads complete an online form? No, not exactly. Synergy does much more than drive traffic to web forms. Our cash advance campaigns include email marketing, SEO, SEM, and social media. We even use more traditional methods such as direct mailers, banners, brochures and TV.
Consequently, we have a large number of Cash Advance Leads that are in the pipeline. Some business owners are getting more information and aren’t ready yet. Similarly, other business owners don’t meet the minimum qualifications yet. We also get some leads that call into our center. In fact, about 30% of our lead begin with an inbound call from other marketing we’ve converted on.
In summary, we have many different marketing techniques that we utilize to get quality MCA Leads. Once we have an interested borrower our agent confirms the minimum qualifications.
How Is The Agent Verifying The Cash Advance Leads?
- Salutations
- Establish funding needs
- Dig deeper into why they need funding
- Pre-qualifying questions
- Obtain several contact numbers
- Confirm the email address
- Learn about existing loans and balances
- Ask about the borrower’s credit score
- Ask if their client’s pay using a credit card
- Build rapport
- Disclose a lender or broker will be calling
- Best time is to reach the borrower
- Recap the entire call in a summary
Quality Merchant Cash Advance Leads
After the agent sets an appointment for a call back the lead details are sent to Quality Assurance for review. Quality Assurance reviews each lead using a proprietary critique system in order to ensure our Cash Advance Leads are qualified.
These Quality Assurance agents do not make phone calls. They do not get bonuses for submitting real timeCash Advance Leads. These agents are solely charged with the responsibility of ensuring our quality. Otherwise it would be a conflict of interest. It’s their job to catch the badCash Advance Leads and it’s the phone agents job to get numbers.
The Quality Team reviews each call to ensure our agent didn’t set inappropriate expectations such as low interest rates, monthly payments, type of financial instrument (equipment finance, line of credit, loan, factoring, SBA), or anything of the sort.
Synergy understands that each lender or broker has their own set of financial options to offer and we want all of those options to be available to you when you pitch your offer.
Cash Advance Leads – How We Deliver Them
OurCash Advance Leads are delivered via email. You can give us up to five different emails that you would like the real time Cash Advance Leads to be sent to. These leads are emailed to you after Quality Assurance reviews the calls. Synergy is flexible when you’re deciding how many leads you want to receive daily. Some lenders take fifty per day. Conversely, some brokers take only a few per day. We can handle any size order!
Integrity and open communication are staples of our service. This is why our clients are so happy with our product and the results they get from our Cash Advance Leads. We care about your bottom line. If you’re having issues with other lead providers there’s probably a good reason. Furthermore, we may be able to explain the problem based on what our other clients have told us about these lead providers.
After that, we provide unique consulting for each client to help ensure they grow a profitable business. There’s a game plan with our leads. For aged leads we have a different game plan than we have for live transfer Cash Advance Leads.
Where Are You Sending Your Cash Advance Submissions?
Additionally, we have a list of recommended lenders that you can sign up with in order to fund more deals and make more commissions. How many points are you making on the average deal? The industry average is 10 points on the funded amount. Therefore, when some brokers come to us and tell us they are making 5 points… we have to let them know. We couldn’t sleep at night if we sold them leads before they partnered up with proper lenders. But doesn’t that sound like a lead company you’d want to be working with?
Synergy advises you on how to approach the call in order to have a proper handoff. We’ve already built a ton of rapport so you should be using it. In other words, if your call sounds like a cold call then we’ve failed. Furthermore, if the lead isn’t looking for funding right away it isn’t a good lead. And if a lead hasn’t been in business for at least 6 months it isn’t a good lead.
The Authority Position & Merchant Cash Leads
Each call should start with you establishing the authority position. For example, you are the underwriter, the funding manager, the company that we matched you up with! We explain to the borrower that we have many funding partners and an algorithm that matched them to you. This increases the chance that you will collect docs needed for an approval and increase your chances for getting a loan closed.
I know what your thinking… Finally, a lead company that cares about what happens with the Cash Advance Leads after they’re sold!
What comes with a cash advance lead?
- Name
- Business Phone Number
- Cell Phone Number
- Fax Number
- Requested Amount
- Why do they want the funds?
- What state are they located in?
- What industry are they in?
- How many loans do they have right now?
- Balances of the loans they have now?
- Owner of the business? Must answer yes!
- How long have they been the owner?
- Need money right away? Must answer yes!
- $15,000+ per month? Must answer yes!
- Do they process credit cards?
- Credit score is right now?
- Equity that can be used as collateral?
- Issues getting approved in the last 30 days?
- Best time to call back?
We understand that returns are going to happen and so we have built returns into our Cash Advance Leads system: You can return up to 25% of the purchased leads if the borrowers do not meet the minimum qualifications:
- No longer interested
- Already funded & no need now
- Currently in a BK
- Less than $15,000 per month
- Phone number disconnected
- Contact name not matching phone number
- Credit is below 500
- Less than 6 months in business
- Personal bank statements
- Borrower has defaulted previously
Our return policy is simple, if you have these issues we will replace a live transfer or an appointment lead. Just reply to the email you received with the lead details and tell us why you are requesting a return. All calls are recorded so we will investigate on our end. A lead will be added to your total right away. The investigation is for our own internal purposes and does not matter for your return to be credited or not. Obviously this return policy is not valid for aged Cash Advance Leads.
Disclaimer: Cash Advance Leads are not guaranteed to convert. Every company has their own agents who have different sales skills. Each company has their own follow up systems that may yield different results. Companies have their own lenders where they can obtain approvals. Synergy Direct Solution LLC can in no way guarantee conversions or sales.
Aged Merchant Cash Leads
If you’re looking to save some money you can buy aged Cash Advance Leads for 5-7 cents each with no minimum order. These are not exclusive leads of course. However, if you nave a sales team and you need a lot of data for them to call on to keep them busy then Aged MCA Leads are perfect for you!
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