Has someone pitched you on an MCA Leads Free Trial? There are companies out there offering MCA leads for free. You may have seen these companies on Fiverr.com or LinkedIn. These companies are almost exclusively located overseas. We won’t mention names here because that’s not our style. However, when we decided to get into this industry in 2011 we promised to help our clients.
How does Synergy help their clients? Firstly we care about explaining what we offer and how it should work with each client. We don’t just sell you on something like free MCA leads. Of course free trials sounds great!
The reality is that almost all of these free trials are going to be a waste of time. Ask yourself a simple question. Ask yourself why someone or a company would sell a complete submission? A submission being 3 or 4 months bank statements and an application. Why would you do that?
Free Trial Scams
The reason is pretty simple. The reason is there is no value to that lead. A lead is valuable if you can make money. A lead is more valuable if you can make a lot of money. In this business you make money based on a percentage of the loan amount. If a company is selling MCA leads for free they don’t see any reason to work it themselves. These are probably all bank turndown leads. They are also selling this appointment to whomever they want. They’re selling it as many times as they want.
Synergy has asked their clients if they have any experience with free trials. They’ve told us the experience has been horrible. We’ve heard cases where 80% of the leads have been defaults. These borrowers were already defaulting on another advance. Now it makes sense why these companies would sell MCA leads free trials. They’re trying to make something on a dead lead. Do you want to help someone else make their money back on dead leads?
MCA Leads Free Trial – Aged MCA Leads
If you’re looking to save some money you can buy aged MCA leads for 5 cents each with no minimum order. These are not exclusive leads of course. However, if you have a sales team and you need a lot of data for them to call on to keep them busy then Aged MCA Leads are perfect for you!