Business Loan Live Transfers
Business Loan Live Transfers Work
Business Loan Live Transfers are one of the best leads you can buy. Uniquely, these are qualified Live Transfers that are sent directly to your call center! Consequently, you get a 100% contact ratio with each business loan lead. Do you think your sales people would close more sales if every lead was qualified and every lead was on the phone right now? To explain, this is not a robo call sent to your sales people. Alternatively, this is a phone verified and qualified lead sent via three way call to your team. Our agent introduces your sales agent to the borrower and we let you take over.
Your sales reps will love getting Business Loan Live Transfers like this! Furthermore, your agents can concentrate on closing deals rather than cold calling. Of course, live transfers are more expensive than aged leads. However, your people will be more successful and they will be happier as a result! Imagine the difference in production, employee retention, and company growth. This article will look into these Business Loan Live Transfers and see what makes them so special.

Why Synergy’s Live Transfers Are Different
Synergy Direct Solution was established in 2010 as an Internet marketing company. Specifically, we are a web design agency. For example, we can build your website. Similarly, we can you get traffic on the search engines. Moreover, we can assist with social media and much more. Why is this important? In short, it’s important because we manage marketing campaigns to get our own Business Loan Live Transfers. Alternatively, the competition simply buys leads from one lead source and resells them over and over again.

Business Loan Live Transfer Pretenders
Synergy takes a service side approach to working with each client. For instance, we find out what works and what doesn’t work for our clients. After that, we make changes to our campaigns to make each one more effective. Moreover, our clients can give us valuable information. Thus, having this information allows us to improve. Conversely, other lead generation companies are not interested in this. For instance, they do a lazy approach to lead generation. These pretenders buy leads from one source and resell them to brokers. In fact, they sell the same leads as many times as they have to in order to make a profit.

Consequently, the leads are oversold by multiple sellers in the chain. Additionally, each link along the chain has no idea what the other links are up to. To illustrate, what if each link sold the lead five times. This makes the lead worthless. For this reason, the borrowers will be frustrated and will be far more likely to disappear on you. Even worse, this is how you get complaints, TCPA violations, and stollen deals.
Whereas, our Business Loan Live Transfers are double verified. We call on MCA leads, UCC lists, aged leads and internet leads. Similarly, we drive traffic to more than a dozen websites. The websites generate real time internet leads. Then we call those internet leads to create Business Funding Live Transfers. We run massive email campaigns as well as pay per click advertising on all major search engines. This combination of internal marketing and telemarketing allows us to keep the cost down while we produce more live transfers than our competition. Most importantly, we own the data from the beginning to the end.

What Info Comes With Business Loan Live Transfers?
- Name
- Business Phone Number
- Cell Phone Number
- Fax Number
- Requested Amount
- Why do they want the funds?
- What state are they located in?
- What industry are they in?
- How many loans now?
- Balances of the loans?
- Owner of the business?
- How long have they been the owner?
- Need the money now?
- $15,000+ per month?
- Do they process credit cards?
- Credit score?
- Do they have any equity?
- Issues getting approved in last 30 days?
- Best time to call back?

What Happens After The Business Loan Live Transfer?
Our agents will send Business Loan Live Transfers to your phone. We introduce you to the borrower and then let you take it from there. Remember, we tell the borrower we’re like for business owners and lenders. Moreover, we tell the prospect that we’ve found them a match and then connect them to you. Therefore, this makes the borrower feel like our software automatically matched them to you. Significantly, you’ll already have an established authority position when you take over the call.
The lead details are then sent to Quality Control for review. Quality Control reviews every business loan lead. For example, we use a critique system in order to ensure our MCA leads are always high quality. After that, Quality Control determines the lead is qualified and you’ll receive an email with the details. Business Loan Live Transfers are only counted if the email has been sent. Therefore, if the call drops or the borrower changes their mind right away you will not get a form and the lead will not be counted.

What About Returns For Unqualified Business Loan Live Transfers?
We know that Business Loan Live Transfers are not always perfect. Furthermore, we know that borrowers lie to us when we are qualifying them. In our opinion this should not count against you. For instance, if you get a lead that has any of the following issues we will replace that lead.
- No longer interested
- Already funded & no need now
- Currently in a BK
- Less than $15,000 per month
- Phone number disconnected
- Contact name not matching phone #
- Sub 500 FICO
- Less than 6 months in business
- Merchant is defaulting on another advance

Disclaimer: Business Funding Live Transfers are not guaranteed to convert. Every company has their own agents who have different sales skills. Each company has their own follow up systems that may yield different results. Companies have their own lenders where they can obtain approvals. Synergy Direct Solution LLC can in no way guarantee conversions or sales.
Contact Us
Location name
2525 Camino Del Rio S. #300 San Diego, CA 92108