Synergy Direct Solution LLC

Are You Looking For Leads?

What are leads? A lead is an individual or organization with an interest in what you are selling. The interest is expressed by sharing contact information, making an appointment, or waiting to be transferred to you.

Potential clients can be generated in many ways. You can get them by using the internet. You can get clients from business directories. You can use technology (a scraper) that saves the details about a business in a spreadsheet. You can go door to door or you can buy lists from lead vendors.

There are many different data providers if you’re looking for cheap data. When we refer to data on this website we are referring to cold leads. These have not shown an interest recently. You don’t know if they have interest in what you are selling. The good news is that you can filter by industry, state, revenue, credit rating, or number of employees.

Bad Leads

Do your sales people cold call? In the MCA industry it’s impossible to build a scalable model using Business loan leads like this. It doesn’t work because there are too many businesses that do not need a loan.

You may convince them to send in their bank statements. They won’t be very motivated. If you have to sell someone on taking a loan it is a cold lead and probably won’t close.

MCA Lead Generation

For the MCA business you need a warm lead. You should only be calling clients that want a loan or who were previously interested in a loan. This allows you to close more deals while talking to fewer people. These people will be more receptive. They will send in their bank statements and call to follow up on their approval.

You company may need aged merchant cash advance leads if you have a large number of sales people.

A good lead company can make or break your business. Some companies focus on driving traffic to their website. Other companies generate MCA leads using email marketing or SMS blasts. Synergy has a variety of different lead programs that can increase your sales, lower your cost per sale, and give your business the shot in the arm it’s always needed! Have you ever tried calling MCA appointment leads? At $12.50 each these are a great deal!

Check out the different options we have to generate merchant cash advance leads below:

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2525 Camino Del Rio S. #300 San Diego, CA 92108

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