Synergy Direct Solution LLC

Business Loan Appointment Leads

Business Loan Appointment Leads

Business Loan Appointment Leads can be hard to find. Frequently, lead providers sell aged leads or business data. The reason companies don’t sell appointment leads is that they don’t have a telemarketing team. Many of these lead companies are located overseas. Other lead providers are in the business to make a quick buck. Synergy is a different type of lead provider. We are located in San Diego, California. Our objective in this article is to help you identify good lead companies and to help you understand the different types of leads for your industry.


An advantage of working with Synergy is the communication with our clients. Synergy checks in with every client to find out what’s working for them. Conversely, we find out what’s not working for them. Finally, armed with this information we provide better consulting for all of our clients. Specifically, we find out what companies do better with aged leads so we can refer those leads to similar companies.  We also find out which companies do better with real time leads for the same reason. Many clients tell us that they like appointment leads. In short, their only concern was paying too much per lead. For example, they said they were paying $30 per lead with other venders. So, we’re now offering our business loan appointment leads for $12.50-$20 each.


Business Loan Appointment Leads – Marketing

The biggest difference between Synergy and our competition is the marketing. Most notably, Synergy has been managing marketing campaigns since 2010. Synergy builds websites. We manage search engine campaigns. Additionally, we manage social media campaigns and email marketing programs. To emphasize, our marketing programs are robust and comprehensive. These programs allow us to generate more interested prospects than our counterparts. Every lead company should have an understanding of Internet marketing. Ask your lead provider what they know about marketing and you’ll be shocked.

Internet marketing means getting customers to find you. Alternatively, cold calling is pushing your product on unsuspecting people. This is what our competition does. For instance, they smash through UCC leads while tricking people to stay on the phone. Similarly, the competition lies to the borrower pitching a simple interest, monthly payment, term loan. Other lead companies don’t ask as many qualifying questions.

Business loan leads that are generated through Internet marketing are far more likely to be engaged. These clients tend to send in more applications and bank statements. Conversely, clients that are cold called and tricked to stay on the phone are more likely to disappear on you. Which type of lead would you prefer to work with?

Business Loan Appointment Leads – Just The Facts

What do you need to know about a borrower before you call them back? We believe the answer is a lot. For instance, you need to know what they do. It would be useful to know how long the’ve done it. You might want to know how much revenue they generate. In this case, with Synergy leads you’ll have all the information you’ll ever need!


Synergy leads have 50% more information than our counterparts! For instance, you’ll know how many loans they have out. You’ll know the balances on those loans. Additionally, we find out the credit score. We get the time in business. We think it’s valuable to know if they have collateral. Wouldn’t it be nice to know if they have merchant processing? Finally, we ask if the borrower has had any issues getting approved within the last 30 days.

Our Marketing Strategies

Synergy was established in 2010 as a marketing agency. We specialize in websites, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, lead generation, and social media. In addition, we have experience in click funnel marketing, Google Analytics, email marketing, and telemarketing. Hence, we know how to do the marketing. We do the follow up. Most importantly, we have a very large team that does the telemarketing.

Synergy has thousands of clients. We’re partners with Google, Yahoo, and Godaddy. Moreover, Synergy has an A+ rating with the BBB. Because of our history and partnerships we take pride in what we do. Particularly, we care about our clients. We do whatever it takes to keep them happy! Synergy has an 80% client retention.

Why Business Loans Are So Popular

When we researched the business loan industry we were very excited. People were brand new to the industry and making a ton of money. Brokers could work from home. Brokers could work out of an office. Lenders were paying 10 to 20 percent on funded loans. Moreover, there was no barrier to enter the market. For instance, you didn’t need a lenders license or a brokers license to get started. To clarify, someone could quit their job today and start a business tomorrow doing these loans. This sounds good right?

Bad Leads Can Be Terrible For Start Ups

But there was a problem. The issue was finding a good lead company. Most people don’t have the skill set to generate their own leads. It’s not easy to do. Thus, people have no choice but to find and pay for leads. The big issue with buying leads is the time it takes to see results. For instance, if you pay $500 per week for leads when do you need to land a deal? Can you continue if you’ve invested $5,000 without closing a sale? Most people cannot afford this.

When we researched the industry we found several venders. There might have been one good one and a handful of “iffy” providers. Most were lead companies selling garbage leads. The price for leads was over inflated because new brokers were entering the industry every single day. These lead providers didn’t need to rely on repeat business due to the number of people entering the market. These leads were oversold and the industry was filled with fraud.

Then Synergy Started Producing Business Loan Leads

We decided to take over! Other companies were sleeping at the wheel. They had a huge opportunity but they failed to focus on service. Consequently, many of these lead companies didn’t make it. They’re gone now. They ruined their name and couldn’t get customers to reorder. Once the word got out and more lead companies began servicing this industry… they were screwed.

Synergy concentrates on the service side:

  • We offer affordable leads and we don’t inflate our costs.
  • Synergy does not require a minimum order. If our leads are good then you’ll come back for more.
  • Our return policy is the best available amongst reputable providers.

Unsurprisingly, Synergy clients come back and reorder more than 80% of the time.

Our business loan appointment leads are the best in the industry. Borrowers answer the phone when you call. on the positive side, they know who you are. They know why you’re calling because we verified the appointment by phone. The borrower received an email reminding them about the appointment. Most importantly, the borrowers find us through our internet marketing.

Example Lender Website

Our Quality Guarantee

After the agent sets an appointment for a call back the lead details are sent to Quality Assurance. Quality Assurance reviews each lead. We have a proprietary critique system to ensure our business loan appointment leads are always high quality.

These Quality Assurance agents do not make calls to borrowers. Similarly, they do not get bonuses for submitting leads. They’re solely charged with the responsibility of ensuring quality leads are the only leads Synergy sends to our lenders and brokers.


The Quality Team reviews each call to ensure our agent didn’t set inappropriate expectations. We make sure the agent didn’t promise low interest rates. Additionally, we make sure the agent didn’t promise monthly payments. Finally, we confirm the agent didn’t pre sell on the type of financial instrument (equipment finance, line of credit, loan, factoring, SBA, MCA).

Synergy understands that each lender or broker has their own set of financial options. For that reason, we want you to be able to take the lead in any direction you see fit. If you have a better product that this lead could qualify for then it’s your call. In summary, we won’t cause confusion in the prospects mind by telling them specifics about your offer.

Business Loan Leads Are Sent Via Email

Our business loan appointment leads are delivered via email. You can give us up to five different emails that you would like the leads to be sent to. These leads are emailed after Quality Assurance reviews the call. Synergy is flexible with how many leads you want to receive per day. Some lenders take fifty per day and some brokers take only a few per day.

Integrity and open communication are main staples of our service. This is why Synergy clients are happy and continuously come back for more leads. We care about your bottom line and provide unique consulting. Our goal for each client is to help ensure they grow a profitable business. For instance, if you have an issue we listen to what’s happening. Then we investigate what’s really going on. After that, we fix it and we make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Surprisingly, many of our clients don’t have the right lenders.  We make sure you have the right lenders so you can make the right commissions. After all, we could have the best leads on planet Earth but if you don’t have the right lenders this might not work for you. We have a list of recommended lenders and their contact info on our Top Funder List.

Synergy advises you on how to approach the call. For example, each call should start off with the authority position and leveraging the pre-established rapport. Next, you should be able to qualify the borrower based on the lead details.

Finally, a Business Loan Lead company that actually cares about what happens with their leads after they are sold!


We understand that returns are going to happen and so we have built returns into our Business Loan Leads system: You can return up to 25% of the purchased leads if the borrowers do not meet the minimum qualifications:

  • No longer interested
  • Already funded & no need now
  • Currently in a BK
  • Less than $15,000 per month
  • Phone number disconnected
  • Contact name not matching phone number
  • Credit is below 500
  • Less than 6 months in business
  • Personal bank statements
  • Borrower has defaulted previously


Our return policy is simple, if you have these issues we will replace a live transfer or an appointment lead. Just reply to the email you received with the lead details and tell us why you are requesting the return. All calls are recorded so we will investigate on our end. A lead will be added to your total right away. The investigation is for our own internal purposes and does not matter for your return to be credited or not.  Obviously this return policy is not valid for aged leads.

Disclaimer: Business Loan Appointment Leads are not guaranteed to convert. Every company has their own agents who have different sales skills. Each company has their own follow up systems that may yield different results. Companies have their own lenders where they can obtain approvals. Synergy Direct Solution LLC can in no way guarantee conversions or sales.

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2525 Camino Del Rio S. #300 San Diego, CA 92108

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