MCA Leads Pro
Synergy Direct Solution is not just a lead company… we’re internet marketing professionals that specialize in lead generation for the business loan industry. So what does that actually mean? It means that we don’t sell leads for insurance, solar, or debt settlement. In other words, we are an MCA Leads Pro! A trusted leader in the industry offering lower prices and higher quality leads than anyone else in the industry… period!

Synergy Direct Solution offers call back leads, aged leads, live transfer leads, Appointment leads, virtual agents,, dialer solutions, and internet marketing services. Conversely, other lead companies in this space just sell data. And more importantly they don’t know much about marketing. Therefore, it’s safe to say that they simply buy the data from anpother broker. This is a sure fire way to get overworked and oversold leads. Anyone that’s had tis experience will tell you that’s it’s a terrible way to try to run a sales team. In the business loan industry you’ll need an exclusive MCA lead provider or you’ll need to generate your own leads in house.
TCPA is a serious issue in the business loan industry. It’s pretty easy to see why this is the case. The professional litigators follow the indusies that make the most money. This is how they get more people to pay for their scam and settle outside of a courtroom. Synergy leads are pre scrubbed for known TCPA litigators and live transfers are filtered again through our call routing system which shields known TCPA litigators from being transferred to our clients. You’ll need to be sure your lead provider is safeguarding you from TCPA lawsuits.